Introducing (se)® LAB
What is (se)® LAB?
(se)® LAB stands for Learn. Apply. Balance.
We created a platform specifically for our patients to connect to the wisdom of their own bodies. Along the way, we realized that the content is for everyone, not just our patients. It's another way we can help our (se)® Network Providers grow their resources and revenue streams.
Here is a good way to think about it...your patients are spending a good amount of money for treatment, but as soon as they step out of the clinic they go back to doing the same repetitive movements. So as a therapist, it's key to emphasize the importance of learning, applying, and balancing the body outside of the clinic.
When creating (se)® LAB, we didn't want to create a bunch of PDF's with corrective exercises on them. We knew that wouldn't be enough, so instead we focused on these key areas: Lifestyle, Self Care & Exercises. We've spent months creating this platform so we could educate patients and make it easier for therapists to get better patient outcomes outside of the treatment room.
For $19/month, patients have access to recipes, nutrition tips, self-care releases and most importantly corrective exercises to help their bodies stay in alignment longer.
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